For those following our five satellite tagged cuckoos this will come as no surprise, with four of them already south of the Sahara desert. However, lots of other birds are also leaving the UK, probably the most noticeable being the Swift.
All summer they have been screaming around our streets and houses but have disappeared during the last week. Many of these could already be well south of the Sahara and close to their winter quarters.
Willow Warblers have also been flooding out of the country with numbers in excess of one hundred birds being counted at some south coast migration watchpoints; these have often been in the company of smaller numbers of Common Whitethroats.

Another warbler, the Grasshopper Warbler, probably sneaks out of the country largely unnoticed but at one ringing site in Hampshire, 267 have been trapped and ringed during July alone, all but one of them being young birds.

Ospreys are also on the move, and now is a good time to catch up with one of these impressive raptors. Although they often still associate with waterbodies, a bird on active migration could be seen anywhere as it makes it way south. During the last week, Ospreys have been seen in 24 British and Irish counties.
Question of the week.
Why do birds migrate?
This is a very difficult question and to answer this we probably have to look back to the last Ice Age, around 10,000 years ago. At this time, large parts of northern Europe were under ice, which will have retreated north during the summer months only to return during the colder winter months. As the ice retreated north, uncovered habitat will have been exploited by birds from further south that themselves have retreated south as the colder months returned.
As the planet warmed and the southern edge of the ice retreated further and further north, birds will have moved further north during the summer months and flown greater distances back during the winter months; migrating.
Today, the conditions during the winter months are still unsuitable for many of our summer migrants, although we are seeing evidence of more species attempting and succeeding to stay in northern Europe during the winter months. In recent times, several species of warblers, Swallows and a few Turtle Doves have all been recorded in the UK during the winter. These pioneers stay much closer to their breeding area than those that have left the country and, in theory will have first choice of prime territories come the breeding season, ensuring that their offspring get the best start.
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