With a turbulent run of weather forecast for the coming week
it makes predicting what will be migrating rather interesting shall we say. As
deepening depressions rattle their way across the Atlantic they bring strong westerlies to our shores and periods of heavy rain. These weather
systems cannot only dump large quantities of rain but can also provide us with
a smattering of transatlantic vagrants, such as American
peeps (or sandpipers as we know them) and maybe a rare 'Yank' warbler.
Pectoral Sandpiper and Semipalmated Sandpiper have already made landfall in the
UK this year but are likely to be joined by more individuals as well as the possibility
of other species such as Least Sandpiper or Killdeer.
Strong westerlies can make
for good seawatching conditions along the west coast with species such as
Sabine’s Gull and Long-tailed Skua mixed in with the more expected Arctic and
Pomarine Skuas and Kittiwakes. Sometimes these species are forced further
inland by the strong winds so any reservoirs or large lakes are worth checking.
Sabine's Gull - Moss Taylor |
As these weather systems make their way across the UK they
will start to draw in a northerly and easterly airflow, opening the door for
another suite of birds to arrive. For many birdwatchers this time of year is synonymous
with Yellow-browed warbler, once the preserve of twitchers this is now an
expected migrant with several hundred birds turning up in a good year. No
longer is it just a coastal bird either, with individuals being found with
greater regularity at inland sites. At this time of year any wind direction with a
hint of east opens the possibility of something ‘off the radar’ turning
up from the far east and have include Thick-billed Warbler, Brown Flycatcher
and Yellow-browed Bunting.
For those species that arrive here for the winter northerly
winds will aid their migration and numbers of Pink-footed Goose should increase
and other wildfowl such as Shoveler, Wigeon and Teal should also arrive in ever
growing numbers.
Reporting rate for Shoveler from BirdTrack |
Waders will also be on the move as this years young, which typically
migrate after their parents, start their first migration to wintering grounds,
Bar-tailed Godwit, Knot, Turnstone and Sanderling can often form large groups
and can turn up anywhere.
Sanderling - Jill Pakenham |
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